

Weird Pleasure

by Jim Ferguson


Poems and lyrics from free-flowing Glasgow writer Jim Ferguson ― poet, novelist, dissenter, teacher and performer.
Jim's loose, kinetic and improvisational rhythms are drawn from Scots speech and the ebb and flow of consciousness itself. 
With a sometimes gentle, sometimes psychotic candour, and a weird pleasure all of its own, Jim's voice shares politics, dreams and the surreal effects of globalism on the individual.
"If it wasn't so Kafkaesque, it would be Orwellian."
Jim Ferguson is a poet, pamphleteer and novelist based in Glasgow.
Born in  1961, Jim has been writing and publishing since 1986 and is a Creative Writing Tutor at Glasgow Kelvin College.

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EBooks of Weird Pleasure are available on platforms including Kobo, Apple, Google Play Store, Kindle and others.
e-ISBN 9781914090202
Audio Book is available on Audible
  • ISBN: 9780955488535